Thursday, January 28, 2010

I can already cross one of my list

I hadn't planned on doing any of these items until Nathan was one, but I can already cross off hire a personal trainer (and I've already lost 7 pounds)!

On a related note, a lot of my list items have to do with food. That is because I am currently so limited in my food choices being soy and dairy free for Nate. So, I am eagerly awaiting the day I can eat those foods again.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

4 more

-Have a spa day
-Go to Kings Island
-Run the Bluegrass 10,000
-Learn photoshop

Thursday, December 3, 2009

More ideas

-Go on a girls weekend with my mom/sister
-Go on a girls weekend with my MIL and sisters-in-law
-Go to Hawaii
-Go to Keeneland

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Just off the top of my head

1. Climb camelback mountain
2. Go to an Arizona Cardinals game
3. Run a 1/2 marathon
4. Go out dancing with friends
5. Go out dancing with Devon
6. Go to an ASU football game
7. Go to a Kentucky football game
8. Eat Chicago style pizza in Chicago
9. Take a cake decorating class
10. Take a sewing class
11. Hire a personal trainer